The following is a picture of a weasel; err, umm rather a dead weasel that was found in my dad's yard. Now in my 30+ years...OK, OK 40+ years, I've never seen a weasel at my folks house, never. Even with all the critters we were raised with, never have I seen one or been bothered by one - go figure. This goes back to what I've said in many a blog posting, "that just because you don't see one (an animal) doesn't mean they're not there".
Obviously, this particular vermin met Sabrina and didn't fare too well. Sabrina is the stray cat that has taken a shine to my dad and has decided stick around. If I recalls, she's been there for close to a year now, maybe longer. She had been bringing dead chipmunks and mice up on the porch all summer long. Perhaps she culled these rodents down and needed a new challenge - a weasel.
I'm sure there's more out there and perhaps we'll be lucky enough to spot a live one tooling around the yard but until then this is all you get...

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