I continue to educate my 4 year old daughter on the wildlife in and around our area. Yesterday our adventures continued with the catching of one of my favorites, the Bullfrog.
The bullfrog brings up many fond memories of my childhood, of a time when these types of amphibians were more common and I didn't know what true responsibilities were. Summers visiting and vacationing on Sebago Lake's Frye Island. We wouldn't have been to the cottage for very long before I'd race down to the swamps in search of some type of critter - snakes, toads or frogs. Bullfrogs were the more common and most fun and I almost always ended up bring one or more back to the cottage to spend the time with.
We were fortunate to come across a bullfrog yesterday while visiting my mom. This frog was kind enough to let me catch him so that my daughter could get a first hand, up close look and feel and yes, even a kiss... Up until this point my daughter had only seen and held tiny frogs and toads but this critter put the name "bull" in bullfrog. This guy was even kind enough to "cry" for us. I don't suspect many people have heard a bullfrog cry, and that's too bad, it's a sight and sound to behold.
Internet Bullfrog reference
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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