This is Lila, say hello to Lila - "hello Lila".
Lila is our indoor cat. She been declawed and has been delegated to indoors only. On occasions she does like to venture into the back yard and check things out. It's fenced so she can't get too far or into any trouble unless she falls into the built-in pool but one can only hope...
The St. Patrick's Day snow storm we had here in New England was one of those occasions where she ventured out. Of course this was not a decision of hers as you can see here in this picture. She wasn't too happy and didn't enjoy the snow at all and unfortunately the pool is still covered, alas.
Hey now, be nice. What has this poor kitty ever done to you??? She gives your daughter endless hours of joy!!!!!
Hmm, let's see, here are my top 5:
1 - Digs in the house plants, both, for enjoyment and toilet use.
2 - Has begun the habit of spreading litter ALL over the basement, including he stairs.
3 - Couldn't catch a mouse if her life depended on it and this has nothing to do with the fact that she's declawed.
4 - Meow's incessantly
5 - She's a cat!
Nice!! And all of your animals serve what purpose????????
So instead of letting her in immediately you took a picture of her screaming to get in. Nice... How much taunting and chuckling before you let her in.
As for your top 5 perhaps she does these things to get back at you for declawing her. You should hope she doesn't sit on your face in the morning and pee on you. LOL
Nice going. Cats have great memories! Pay back is a b....ch.
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