As you can see from the below pictures our garden has been violated. Some %#@&! varmint critter helped themselves to our young and tender veggies. Oh, I am soooo mad. I'm fit to be tied and on the war path, stand clear it's gonna get ugly and messy.
I had (4) nice broccoli plants coming along and doing well. I planted them out, by design, two weeks apart so that they wouldn't all come ripe at the same time. The first couple of plants had to be covered each night when first planted due to the wacky weather and frost that would pop in and out. I had also planted (3) kale plants just this past weekend. They were awful tiny but seemed to have taken hold. Then there's the nice red leaf lettuce that was taking off, with some ready to be picked. The picture below shows only one of the plants eaten, however, that all changed the day after I took the picture. Seven of the eight plants have been eaten down. I had such high hopes for all these veggies, errrr!

So, as the title of this posting reads one might make the assumption that the Taliban wild rabbits were behind this, I certainly did. They seem to be all over our yard, the neighbor to our rights yard and even the neighbor to our lefts yard - too many of them for sure.
However, I humbly stand (actually I'm sitting on my ass typing but you get the idea) before you to admit that I was wrong, at least in this case. Yup, I was home early from work yesterday and when I peered out the upstairs windows, low and behold there they were a whole family of Al-Qaeda Whistle pigs!! A mother and four babies, that's F O U R, four babies in tow making their way up towards our raised veggie beds! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
For you non-Tennesseans out there Whistle pigs is a fancy word for woodchucks, ground hogs, marmots and to some land-beavers. Regardless of what they're referred to, at the end of the days they're nothing more than rodents.
In an effort to over come this veggie set back I must now transform myself into the one and only Carl Spacker and take on his mantra, " I have to laugh, because I've outsmarted even myself. My enemy, my foe, is an animal. In order to conquer the animal, I have to learn to think like an animal. And, whenever possible, to look like one. I've gotta get inside this guy's pelt and crawl around for a few days."
I'll see you all on the other side, "Au revoir, gophers"