Wallla, check out our new pimped out patio table!
We 'rescued' this table (trash picked has such a terrible connotation) from a Dover (known as a wealthy town round these parts) residence a couple years ago. Other than being rusty and a clashing green color, it was in perfect condition. It is a sold, heavy and sturdy table. Can only guess it was an expensive piece at one time. We put it to use immediately and have ever since.
JoAnne and I finally got around to fix'n her up. We dismantled it and cleaned all the nooks and crannies, both on the metal pieces and the glass top. Then out came the metal brush drill attachment to clean the metal and prep for painting. Two coats of good ole RustOleum paint; one coat primer and one coat #7125830 - Black, Hammered spay. The hammered spray hides flaws and imperfections.
While drying we purchased some new 8 x5/8 Hillman stainless black coated Phillips screws for the reassembly. Of course now that it's in such show room condition we're reluctant to let anyone use it for fear of getting scratched but it looks perdy ain't it!!
P.S. Please disregard the look and condition of the deck. It's repairs are "on the list"!
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