This here dead Yellow jacket is, well dead. "They" say "payback's a bitch". My vengeance was spurred by the simple and painful fact that this dude stung me! Got me good on the back of my left hand and smack dab on a vein.
Now, typically if left along these buggers won't bother with you, which is what I was doing at the time I got stung. However, at some point prior there may have been some teasing if you will.
You see I discovered these wasps coming and going from outside, what amounts to our second story window, and up against the house. As it turns out these stinging fiends had made their way into the wall of our family room and had setup shop. Somehow they entered where the brick chimney butts up against the house.
Fortunately, for me (I think) and unfortunate for them (definitely) their hole was just outside the crank out Anderson window and about shoulder high. This was perfect, as I could battle them from solid footing and not 15' high while balancing on a ladder.
Interestingly, it was only a couple years ago that we had the same situation in the same wall. I blocked the hole that colony had been using but clearly this wall is prime, upper class Yellow jacket realestate, i.e. Wellesley, MA. However, this new colony was not to be denied and made a new entryway just 2" higher.
Anyway, I opened the window to scope out the area to see what I was faced with and to plan my attack. When all of a sudden a couple of the crazy sumbitches came at me. This one got into the house before I got the window shut and initially landed on my chest but fortunately I was wearing a sweatshirt at the time, which I'm pretty sure saved me from sporting a third nipple. My mistake was shooing it away...with my left hand when all of a sudden OUCHY STING STING occurred. However, the shooing worked in sync with the sting, alas, and the dude was knocked off onto the ledge of the widows where he met his demise.
Naturally, after that incident I tweaked my plan of attack and waited until after dark to seek my revenge/eviction. Once they went to bed and were settled I opened the window and sprayed wasp spray into the hole. I then soaked a cotton ball with the wasp spray and stuffed it into the hole with a small screw driver in the hopes of getting the poison inside the wall for maximum killing effect and finally took a second cotton ball and plugged the hole to prevent anyone from exiting or entering whilst containing the poision inside the wall. Interestingly enough when you placed an ear against the wall or just close to you could hear the bees and they were NOT happy, no sir! You could feel the wall vibrating as they carried on.
We had a few that somehow made their way into the house but they appeared pretty doped up and easily dealt with. In the end, and with the exception of a bee sting, my end goal was accomplished and the Vespidae were eradicated. Once the weather changes I will pull out the ladder for a closer inspection and caulk where necessary to prevent this from happening again.
FYI - the bee sting is now really, really itchy :-)
Now, typically if left along these buggers won't bother with you, which is what I was doing at the time I got stung. However, at some point prior there may have been some teasing if you will.
You see I discovered these wasps coming and going from outside, what amounts to our second story window, and up against the house. As it turns out these stinging fiends had made their way into the wall of our family room and had setup shop. Somehow they entered where the brick chimney butts up against the house.
Fortunately, for me (I think) and unfortunate for them (definitely) their hole was just outside the crank out Anderson window and about shoulder high. This was perfect, as I could battle them from solid footing and not 15' high while balancing on a ladder.
Interestingly, it was only a couple years ago that we had the same situation in the same wall. I blocked the hole that colony had been using but clearly this wall is prime, upper class Yellow jacket realestate, i.e. Wellesley, MA. However, this new colony was not to be denied and made a new entryway just 2" higher.
Anyway, I opened the window to scope out the area to see what I was faced with and to plan my attack. When all of a sudden a couple of the crazy sumbitches came at me. This one got into the house before I got the window shut and initially landed on my chest but fortunately I was wearing a sweatshirt at the time, which I'm pretty sure saved me from sporting a third nipple. My mistake was shooing it away...with my left hand when all of a sudden OUCHY STING STING occurred. However, the shooing worked in sync with the sting, alas, and the dude was knocked off onto the ledge of the widows where he met his demise.
Naturally, after that incident I tweaked my plan of attack and waited until after dark to seek my revenge/eviction. Once they went to bed and were settled I opened the window and sprayed wasp spray into the hole. I then soaked a cotton ball with the wasp spray and stuffed it into the hole with a small screw driver in the hopes of getting the poison inside the wall for maximum killing effect and finally took a second cotton ball and plugged the hole to prevent anyone from exiting or entering whilst containing the poision inside the wall. Interestingly enough when you placed an ear against the wall or just close to you could hear the bees and they were NOT happy, no sir! You could feel the wall vibrating as they carried on.
We had a few that somehow made their way into the house but they appeared pretty doped up and easily dealt with. In the end, and with the exception of a bee sting, my end goal was accomplished and the Vespidae were eradicated. Once the weather changes I will pull out the ladder for a closer inspection and caulk where necessary to prevent this from happening again.
FYI - the bee sting is now really, really itchy :-)
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