JoAnne and I joined forces and have refurbished the above wrought iron patio furniture.
They had been tucked away in the back of my folks shed for years. Since we're in the process of cleaning out the old shed these three pieces have found a new home here at the ole Lincoln Street homestead.
Since we're such prim and proper folk, we simply could not have dirty, rusty wrought iron patio furniture gracing our abode, hehehe...yeah right!
They've been sanded to remove the rust and blisters, then hit with a coat of RustOleum primer and finally two coats of RustOleum's Universal Black Hammered spay.
Looks good yeah!?!?
One of the chairs had a plywood seat that was cut to fit just right, however, it's in pretty rough condition. My plan is to use this seat as a pattern to make two new ones. What the final look we'll be, well, I'm gonna leave that up to JoAnne.
Wish my mom was around to see them all cleaned up. If I remember correctly, she had planned of doing the same but in the hustle and bustle she never got to it. Knowing that, and now being able to see just how nice they look all cleaned up it brings a smile to my face when I look at them - miss you mom!
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