Can you find the critter in the above picture?
I believe this is a Song Sparrow.
We had a pair nesting in one of the scrubs in our front yard. Never could find it but once the babies were old enough to move out of the nest the parents were always nearby and talking up a storm. I'd see them all the time carrying some insect meal to the babies. They have a melodious song that is wonderful to listen to.
These beauties are always welcome at the ole homestead! However, their counter parts, the House Sparrows are NOT but they won't listen to me! Talk about from one extreme to another. I don't have a single good word to say about the later. They're dirty, scavengers that nest in colonies, make a racket and are nothing more than pests.
Funny, as I write this there is a Song Sparrow sitting in one of our front shrubs singing away. Do you think they know I'm writing about them, HMMM?
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