Our pool, with it's new liner, is up and running and looking great so far this season! It's far too cold for me but Emilie has already been in it at least a dozen times now and loves it!
This year, however, we're having a rather strange and nasty issue, which is shown in the photo above. All along the edges of the pool is bird poop. It's the weirdest thing. I've yet to figure out what type of bird(s) is responsible for this yucky, mess but am leaning towards the "Common Grackle", and why along the pool edges only. Perhaps, they're after the insects that fall into to water, dunno I'm puzzled.
Seems like I wash it off, they see it clean and return to deposit more. Not sure what to do at this point. If I only had a pool girl, she could keep watch and shoo em away while sun bathing, oh er I mean while she's tending to the pool...
Anyway, I just did a quick Google search and came across a pool spa forum that had many, many pool owners complaining about the same problem. Turns out the poop is actually what's called a "fecal sac". A fecal sac is a mucous membrane, generally white or clear with a dark end, that surrounds the feces of some species of nestling birds. It allows parent birds to more easily remove fecal material from the nest. Pretty interesting huh, who would have thunk?!? Apparently, the young birds will stop producing this fecal sac shortly before they leave (fledge) the nest, which can't be soon enough!
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