I took advantage of the fabulous fall weekend we just had and got quite a bit taken care of in our yard, as well as in my dads yard.
Saturday was spent in Westwood cutting grass as usual but also cleaning gardens, yippee - removed the metal tomato stakes and put in storage, pulled all the dead, dried vegetable plants and weeds, cut and removed all over grown weeds, i.e. Goldenrod, and small trees growing on the rock garden. Also weed-whacked all gardens and yard. Plus put a couple trash barrels curbside with "stuff" inside to be removed - let's hope they take it all. Oh, and let's hope the house sells soon too! This taking care of multiple properties is for the birds!
Upon my return home Saturday afternoon I had just enough umph to cut my own lawn and then put down a 15k bag of Winterizer fertilizer with weed killer of course. Got everything done and put away just after dark.
Sunday afternoon was spent in our gardens pulling dead tomato and squash plants, removing and cleaning tomato cages and turning the soil, ugh. Finished off by planting 3lbs of Winter Rye in the various gardens. Got everything done, put away and showered in time to watch the Patriots beat the Cowboys, hooray, and then relax with the family.