Woohoo, my 1999 PU passed yet another Commonwealth of Massachusetts vehicle inspection. This yearly DMV requirement has had me very nervous for several years now, but knock on wood, my baby still passes and she didn't disappoint me this year!
Of course there are certain requirements that need to be met and out of your control, i.e. emissions. However, there are other requirements that are left up to the issuing service station, i.e. clouded headlights, or faded license plates. The later are really left up to the discretion of the person performing the inspection. Hence, why I worry come December when it's time to have my PU inspected. Some folks just love to have this type of power; you know the kind where you can pass blame onto someone else yet still hold your ground on enforcement because they get off on it, i.e. "yeah, sorry, your plate's too faded and I'm not going to be able to pass you. State law, Massachusetts license plates must be readable from 60 feet away. Sorry nothing I can do."
Anyway, I have twelve months before I need to start tweaking again...
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