Shower Finally Fixed, HOORAY!
Yup, we finally made the call and the plumber arrived today and fixed the master bedroom shower drain! The PVC drain rim or lip, whatever the piece is that sits just below the shower drain screen, cracked sometime ago. As a result, the water wouldn't all go down the drain like it's supposed to. Instead, it would run outside the drain pipe and into the floor. Well, eventually the water softened the plaster ceiling in the kitchen below causing a hole to appear and water drip to the floor below and puddle. The shower has been out of commission for about 6+ months now. As a result JoAnne and Emilie have been using my shower. Now that their shower drain has been repaired I get my shower back to myself again, yippee!
Before -
After -
Note: I will spare you the pictures from above, as they're kinda skive.
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