We took our pool cover off this past Sunday. As you can see more work needs to be done before we can announce it's swimable. I've added several gallons of liquid shock, which has done a remarkable job clearing the water even though it doesn't look it in the picture below. I will fire up the pump and filter this weekend, fingers crossed they work, which is the next step in process. It won't be long now before it's ready for swimmers - dog excluded, oops!

As I looked out the upstairs windows this morning around 5:30 AM I was very surprised to see, for the first time in the 12 years we've been in the house, a pair of Mallard ducks sitting pool side. Clearly they had been IN the pool, as you can see where they were perched by their wet marks on the deck. Unfortunately, we didn't get to the camera in time to snap a pic of them, so this photo will have to do and you all will just have to believe me that there really were Mallards out there this AM - I have two witnesses.
Note to my brother - these are the type of ducks you need, not them thar domestic ones! You know the kind that come and go on their own. No feeding required. No tending to needs required. No cleaning required (although this piece isn't entirely true because if you look close enough, the female ((left wet spot)) left a little something something behind but still a better alternative. Plus, Trixie will have that something something cleaned up in short order, YUCK...
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