- Day 1 -
I looked out the kitchen window and immediately saw the cause of the commotion - an absolutely beautiful fox! She was apprehensively approaching the front of the pen then made her way around the backside of the coop and reappeared back in front. The girls were NOT happy, what a racket.
I chased the fox off and watched as it made it's way two properties over and disappeared behind their shed. Said shed sits on the edge of the over growth, so my fear is that she's living underneath where she'll have and raise her pups. Of course that would be cute to see and watch as the pups grow but being the raiser of chickens I'd prefer they go elsewhere. However, if they would leave the chickens alone and stick to a diet of - chipmunk, wild rabbit, grey squirrel and woodchuck then I'd love em to stay!
Needless to say when I got home from work that evening I attempted to fortify the back of the coop to prevent her/them from digging under - fingers crossed!
- Day 2 -
The following day, Thursday, was a work-at-home day for me and don't you know, when out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the chair to see what was the matter. Away to the windows I flew like a flash, tore open the shutter and threw up the sash. When what to my wandering eyes should appear, but a darn white house cat instilling more fear.
We've seen this particular cat around recently. Typically, she's been farther away and behind the coop but I guess she wanted a closer look. I don't think she'd fuss with the chickens but of course they don't know that. They get spooked regardless, which causes them to pile on one another when they're flying to the highest spot they can reach in an effort to get to safety.
After snapping this photo, I made my way out back and chased this feline off. Like the fox, she's welcome to hang out if she'll leave the chickens alone and sticks to catching mice and chipmunks.
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