Wednesday, August 29, 2018

New Full Sun Perennials!

Stopped in at Medway Gardens the other day and picked up several new full sun perennials with a gift card I had received for my birthday back in May.  It was burning a hole in my wallet.

The bees love this plant.  The flowers were covered with all kinds shortly after bring home and still the same today.

The original home owners had a Liatra planted by the pool.  It did well for a couple years then died off.  We're tried once or twice to replant but haven't had much luck.  One more try, this time in a different location.

We've never had this plant in our yard.  However, we have several Butterfly Bushes around the yard and boy-o-boy do they attract all kinds of insects.  Thought this would be another good plant to offer up for they're enjoyment.  Really would love this plant to bring in and attract Monarch butterflies and their caterpillars.  If I'm mistaken my brother in Miami had one of these plants and it was covered with Monarch caterpillars - hoping for the same.

Now just need to determine locations for each...

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