Saturday, April 27, 2019

Mosquito Control

Emilie and I hit the local pet store to purchase our yards mosquito controllers!

10 comets for a buck, can't beat that.  Since we have two 55-gallon barrels collecting rain water, 2 bags of fish was needed.  Collecting water this was is a BIG savings, both time and money.  They're strategically places to where I can scoop out water for the plants easily.  No town water to use or hose to uncoil and recoil and mess with.  With the comets helping control the mosquito, it's a win win.

Barrel 1 -

Barrel 2 -

We've been feeding them fish food for now but soon, when the weather finally breaks, the mosquitoes will be out and looking for watery places to lay their eggs.  I'm not sure of the nutritional value of mosquito larva but I can only assume they're high, as the comets tend to grow fast and big when larva is on their menu.

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