Friday, September 06, 2019


I noticed the above beehive (literally) of activity when helping my neighbor shuffle some trailers around his garage.  These are Yellow Jackets, rotten good-for-nothing, mean bees, that when riled swarm and attack!  

Good news is, and I can't explain how, but I noticed their comings and goings before anyone got into them or stung.  The bad news is that by the time I noticed them we were already committed and within three or four feet.

We didn't have too many options, as we needed to be in that area to push the larger trailer out, so we continued all the while keeping a eye on the activity.  A couple came too close and we swatted them down and stepped on them.  Bad idea I guess as one bee, and fortunately it was only one, decided stinging me on my face might chase us off, wrong.  Fortunate again that it was me that got stung and not one of the other two I was with, as they're allergic, so no telling what would have happened.

Even though stung and the bees more agitated we continued pushing and got the trailer out and a safe distance away.  Only one stung, 4 or 4 bees killed and our work complete!

Three cans of bee spray have been purchased, so I suspect these SOBees won't be a bother too much longer...

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