Sunday, November 17, 2019

Curiosity Killed The Cat...or Turkey

We had close to a dozen turkeys in the back yard this morning.  Perhaps, they heard I filled the bird feeder, for the first time this fall, and hung some suet and wanted to check things out.

They proceeded to march into the woods, onto bigger and better places I suspect.  However, the three Toms below lingered, thought about heading towards the street but turned back.

Something caught their eye; something in the pool area. Low and behold it was Oliver. They cautiously started making their way up, straining their necks forward, as if the extra neck length distance kept them safer.

Oliver was statuesque-like and didn't move, which had the turkeys all the more inquisitive, so the closer they came.  The eventually got tired or were satisfied there was no threat and moved along.

It was interesting to watch.

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