Monday, September 28, 2020

A Sticky Task Complete

I took down (4) White Pine trees a couple weeks ago.  I dug these from my friends place in Marshfield, some 15-years or so ago, when they were no bigger than Charlie Brown Christmas tree size.  We planted them to provide some privacy from the neighbors shed and storage area and they did just that.  However, a covered trailer was parked right next to them, which blocked the sun from getting to the lower halves, so many of the lower limbs have since died - it was time.

They just got too big, too fast.  In hindsight it would have been SO much easier had I cut them down BEFORE moving and installing the new chicken coop.  I would have been able to drop each with a single cut each.  Instead I limbed each using a hand saw, then dragged to the driveway where I loaded into a trailer and brought to the town recycle center for disposal.

Once all limbed I carefully cut the rest in sections to control the landing spot.  Once down, I cut into ~3' lengths, that fit nicely into the wheelbarrow, carted and staked beside driveway.  A "Free Firewood" sign was posted to the local Franklin FB site and within a couple hours ALL the wood was gone!!

Before -

After -

Over loaded trailer -

Pile of fire pit wood, gone -

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