Wednesday, December 23, 2020

On The Road Again (NOT)!

While sitting in my car the other day I noticed the Zippity care care sticker affixed to my windshield, first photo below.  I had the oil changed in my Jetta back on 01-21-2020 by Zippity while I was at the office working.

Our company went full work-at-home on 03-12-2020, where I've been working since.  In that time, I've driven to the office for the day on 3 separate occasions, otherwise my driving is down to almost nil - doctors appointments, errands and visiting a couple friends, otherwise no driving.

Doing the math I've driven only ~4700 miles since my oil changed back in January.  Normally, had I been making my commute to the office at 120 miles per days.  Multiply this by 3-days a week and we're at 360 miles per week.  Now multiply this by 4-weeks a month and we're at 1,440 miles per month.  Finally, multiply this by 9 month and we're at 12,960 miles.  Of course these are estimates and only for commuting to the office.

All in all this equates to less time on the road, much less wear and tear on my vehicle and more quality time at home.

Current mileage as of last week -

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