I'm at the point now where I'm appalled at most people, their antics, how they carry and represent themselves. Selfish, rude, inconsiderate, hypocrites. Brace yourselves but I find dog owners some of the biggest hypocrites too, with many VERY opinionated that are quick to attack and defend how wonderful they are and how 'they' do no wrong.
I see it so often when I'm out on my walks, people out walking their dog but have almost NO control over them. They pull and bark and lunge and jump. I see piles of dog crap all over, not picked up, just left behind and lately I'm seeing more and more bagged up dog crap just left behind or tossed off the side of the road.
This past week I walked through a town recreation area known as Dacey Field, which is just up the road from me. This complex has a dog park that is used year round and always busy - keep that in mind.
Each of the times I walked through this area there have been individuals exercising their dogs on the baseball\softball fields even though both fields each have two of the below, "NO PETS ALLOWNED IN ATHLETIC FIELD AREA" per order of the town of Franklin AND the Board of Health, signs mounted on the fencing at each gate! Yet for some reason these selfish POS ignore the signs and are on the fields with their dogs!
There are reasons why dogs are not allowed on the ball fields, e.g. some kids are allergic, kids shouldn't needs to worry about stepping in dog crap and how does on pick up or clean up after urination? Also, urine kills grass and these are town maintained fields, which means our tax dollars are going towards maintenance.
As mentioned above, there is a DOG PARK in this complex!
I see it more and more these days, people care only about themselves and with complete disregard for others! Seems the town signs don't apply to these selfish POS.
I'm sure if confronted they'd have some excuse to justify why they can do whatever they want or become confrontational and it's just NOT worth my effort, however, it's infuriating to say the least.
Here are the vehicles of the offenders.
You just can't make this stuff up!
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