Friday, January 31, 2025

AH AH AH Choo!

I finally completed and submitted my results to the scratch-and-sniff smell tests.  I volunteered to participate, which is a part of the Parkinson's Progression Marker Initiative (PPMI), a landmark study from the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research.

I've been a participant in the PPMI studies for several years now and complete quarterly online questionnaires focused on PD.

The test came in the mail the day before I left for Miami and I just now completed!

A set of (4) scratch-and-sniff booklets, each with (10) smells to identify -

This is what one of the individual pages looked like.  Using a #2 pencil that came with the kit I'd scratch the brown label, which released the odor, then sniff to identify the smell.  Then choose the odor (or the one closest) from the four options listed on each page.

It was comical that half way through scratching these cards, Trixie was roused from her sleep and was intrigued by all the odors.

I'm hopeful these tests and the PPMI study eventually lead to break throughs in eradicating the terrible disease that is Parkinson's Disease!

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