In my previous posting, just one week ago today, see link below, I introduced you to the Tomato Hornworm. The pictures showed a clean hornworm; one without any parasitic wasp cocoons on him.
Well, my dad found one on his tomato plants and this one did have parasitic wasp cocoons on his back, which you can clearly see in these pictures here.

We still have them both and it's amazing how much they can eat and how big they're becoming. The first one is easily double in size, close to 4". The second one is doing fine also, as most of the wasp cocoons have fallen off while we were transporting him and in the process of cleaning the cage their in - with their voracious appetite also comes their frass; a lot of frass.
The plan is to see if they'll turn into a chrysalis and experience that process too. They better get a move on as the weather is starting to get colder - fall is right around the corner.
See previous posting titled "Tomato Hornworm"
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