Sunday, February 03, 2008

Blue Bird 2008

It's the beginning of February and we already have visiting Blue Birds! I saw one on Saturday and tried to get a picture but was too slow. Today, well that's another story; today I was able to take a handful of pictures of these visitors. I was ecstatic to see not one, not two, not three but FOUR Blue Birds bee-bopping around our back yard!

Potentially even more good news too. The above picture shows one of the Blue Birds sitting atop of a bird house I built. Actually, there have been two of these bug eating machines checking this house out - in and out and sitting on top. The location is attractive, as it's hanging amongst our raspberry plants, which I would guess is prime bug catching real-estate. Our fingers are crossed and we're hoping that they'll move in come Spring!

Here's one taking a break on one end of Emilie's swing set.

And here's a third one sitting on the other end of Emilie's swing set with the neighbors shed in the background.

Think Spring...


Anonymous said...

Blue birds like to build new nests each year, so don't forget to clean out the nest before spring.

SmF732 said...

I cleaned all the bird houses in the fall, so I am ready for new tenants to arrive and move into each.

Thanks for the head-ups!