Sunday, February 10, 2008

Identify the Tracks II

Emilie and I walked up to the ball fields/playground this morning. It snowed over night and everything was covered in a white layer of snow; it was beautiful and very peaceful.

As we typically do, the camera came along too. Here are some tracks that were left behind in the snow from various critters. Can you identify them? How bout I make this a little easier as a multiple choice quiz. Here are some possibilities to choose from - Coyote, Fox, Dog, Emilie, Squirrel and rabbit - GO


Anonymous said...

Why, those look like kitty tracks and the ones in the middle look like 6 year old little girl tracks.

SmF732 said...

1 out of 3 correct...

Anonymous said...


SmF732 said...

swing and a miss...

SmF732 said...

#1 = dog
#2 = Emilie
#3 = coyote

With that said anonymous gets partial credit for the answer of "Rosie". Rosie is a dog, however, not the dog that made these tracks.