When I was a kid, we didn't have fancy swings like they have today, see below. If you were lucky you'd have a swing in your back yard and if not you'd have to hoof-it down to the playground for some swing time fun. Even then the swing would be hangin from some old rusty chains with spurs that would cut your hand if you slid them up and down and the seat, well the seat, would be some old, worn out, torn, black canvas thing-a-ma-bob that would pinch your ass as you swung and leave scuff marks on the seat of your Tough Skins - yeah that's right, my mother dressed me in tough-skins but that was the style back then and I looked good! With all that said we were happy with what we had.Ok, Ok, so I'm not that old but I did wear Tough Skins, which were first introduced in 1971, and I looked good. However, the kids today do have quite the playgrounds as compared to those of 10, 15, 20 years ago.

Here is what the kids of today have to play on. This particular playground was built this past fall just up the street from us; less than 1/2 mile. Emilie is excited and loves it, so we'll be taking advantage of it and getting some exercise too walking up and back.

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