Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Name the Poop
Toof, Toofs, Toofies
These 4 baby teeth of Emilie's just did not want to leave her mouth on their own. Not sure why but whatever the cause her dentist knew just how to resolve this issue - he pulled them, all 4 of em. All are or were her front bottom teeth. She's had a new permanent tooth that has been coming in for some time now but due to the lack of space it's pointing towards the back of her mouth. This new tooth should have pushed out one or two of her baby teeth but it didn't, anyway there's plenty of room now and is expected to correct itself and straighten up as it should be.
Emilie knew she was having 4 teeth pulled but since she's never been through this before she really had no idea what was in store. However, JoAnne said she did EXCELLENT only a tear or two and that was from the weird, uncomfortable numbness she was experiencing from the novocaine, as well as the experience as a whole - overwhelming for a six year old. We won't mention this to her but this 'problem' could happen again since she has such a tiny mouth. If it does, the same course of action will occur, yikes! Kudos to the doctor and staff for how they handled this entire process. They took care of the issue without scaring or traumatizing her, which is a plus for getting her to and from the dentist in the future, even for simple cleanings. The tooth fairy even came last night and left her some cash!
Now, some of you may be asking yourself why I didn't take her or at least go with her for this appointment. That's a very good question and all I can say, and I'm being brutally honest, is that I simply couldn't handle it - a pantie-waist perhaps. I would rather have traded places with her. Plus, I've had some bad experiences with my two older kids, and hospital ER visits and passing out and such. Weird how somethings have that effect on you and other things you don't bat an eye at.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
New Neighbors of Sort
We're fortunate in that this bird house is hanging on the fence just outside one of our windows so we can and have been watching these little dudes work and it's intriguing. One of the things that amazes me is their intelligence. For example, we watched as they returned with sticks for their nest, however, these sticks are carried in their beaks as you'd image - like a dog carrying a large stick. The problem with this is that the birds are unable to enter the bird house while carrying these sticks - most simply do not fit through the hole. Think of the dog again with that large stick in his mouth and now picture him trying to walk through a doorway, BAM stopped in his tracks and unable to. The wrens would try several times to enter and like the dog couldn't. However, they're smart enough to know that the sticks need to be turned and they would turn them and enter.

Wren Fun Fact #1:
House Wrens are feisty and pugnacious animals considering their tiny size. They are known to occasionally destroy the eggs of other birds nesting in their territory by breaking the eggshell. They are also known to fill up other birds' nests within its territory with sticks to make them unusable.
I've noticed another of our bird houses, that's not too far away from where these wrens now call home, has signs of someone moving it - a lot of sticks that look to be randomly placed inside with no order to them. Perhaps, it's the wrens working at making this house unusable!?!? Hmm, I will have to keep a closer eye on this development.
Wren Fun Fact #2:
This bird's rich bubbly song is commonly heard during the nesting season but rarely afterwards.
Wren Fun Fact #3:
These birds forage actively in vegetation and are among the most prolific of all our songbirds, and about 98 percent of their food is injurious insects: grass hoppers, crickets, beetles, bugs, caterpillars and weevils.
Mashed & Smashed & Rotted Potatoes
The good news is Gurney's is going to replace these right away and all it took was an email to their customer support folks. They should be here in a couple weeks, which is in plenty of time to plant for fall harvest - hmm hmm good!
Batter Up
Friday, May 16, 2008
Bear Remover
A man wakes up one morning to find a bear on his roof. So he looks in the yellow pages and sure enough, there’s an ad for ‘Bear Removers.’ He calls the number, and the bear remover says he’ll be over in 30 minutes.
The bear remover arrives, and gets out of his van. He’s got a ladder, a baseball bat, a shotgun and a mean old pit bull.
‘What are you going to do?’ the homeowner asks?
‘I’m going to put this ladder up against the roof, then, I’m going to go up there and knock the bear off the roof with this baseball bat. When the bear falls off, the pit bull is trained to grab his testicles and not let go. The bear will then be subdued enough for me to put him in the cage in the back of the van.’ He hands the shotgun to the homeowner.
‘What’s the shotgun for?’, asks the homeowner.
‘If the bear knocks me off the roof, shoot the dog.’
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
You Know I'm Getting Older When...
You know driving; a car; like in automobile (think of the foreign exchange student Long Duk Dong, aka "The Donger", from the movie Sixteen Candles when saying automobile).
Softball: Frye on fire for the Rebels
Stephanie Frye isn’t showing any signs of cooling down. The Walpole High sophomore had another huge day at the plate, going 3-for-4 with a three-run home run and knocking in five runs as the Rebels maintained their edge in the Bay State Conference Herget Division edge with a 10-3 win over Weymouth.
Walpole improves to 12-4 overall and a 10-2 in the BSC, still a game ahead of Milton.
The Rebels stormed out of the gate with five runs in the first. After Weymouth got a run back, Frye’s homer was the key blow in a four-run fifth that broke it open. Yesterday’s three hits gave Frye 13 in her last 16 at-bats.
“She’s been pretty hot,” said Walpole coach Jim Duffy. “She’s really seeing the ball well. She started the season 1-for-12, I have to give our hitting guru Chauncey Smith some credit for helping her straight out her swing.”
Monday, May 12, 2008
Wascally Wabbits
A: Place dried sulfur, available at farm and garden supply stores, around the edge of your garden. You could also sprinkle bloodmeal around your pansies after each rainfall; it will also benefit the soil by adding nitrogen. However, don't try it if you have dogs that roam the garden. They may be attracted to the scent and start digging.
Courtesy of The Old Farmer's Almanac
Cut Flower Tips
A: Do you have foxgloves? If so, add them to any bouquet, and they'll make the whole arrangement last longer. Copper pellets or pennies in the water will increase the effect. Daffodils should be kept alone in a vase, as their stems secrete a fluid that promotes the wilting of other flowers. If you must combine them, soak them by themselves for as long as possible, then rinse them and add them to the arrangement last. With any flower, clip back leaves that will be immersed in the water, for they will contaminate it and make for a shorter duration. Changing the water daily also will increase the longevity of blooms. Some people claim that an aspirin in the water is beneficial. Add a bit of sugar for delphiniums or larkspurs. Start chrysanthemums briefly in very hot water, then switch to very cold.
Courtesy of The Old Farmer's Almanac
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Veggie Gardening 2008
I've already hit the local nurseries and picked up some of the veggies that we'll be planting and giving a try this summer. Of course these little fellers need special attention and TLC to make sure they don't fall victim to a Mother Nature surprise frost, so they're in at night and out in the morning.
They've been transplanted into individual pots to allow them to do some growing while in the TLC phase.
We have two kinds of tomatoes: Big Boy & Jet Star, two kinds of lettuce: red leaf and green leaf, zucchini and broccoli. We've also ordered from Gurney's - Yukon Gold potatoes, carrots and bush beans seeds. All we need to find now is kale. Now don't be fooled, we will NOT be eating the kale but rather we'll be growing it for the rabbits and guinea pigs, they love it!
Stay tuned to see how this turns out and if I earn my green thumb!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Rebs reject Marauder miracle
WALPOLE — Stephanie Frye was unable to end yesterday’s game against Dedham with her glove, but the Walpole sophomore certainly didn't miss the opportunity to end the game with her bat.
Frye’s sharp RBI grounder to short brought home Lauren Johnson with the winning run in the bottom of the eighth as the Rebels survived a near Marauder miracle with a 4-3 triumph.
To read the entire story click, Rebs reject Marauder miracle
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Robin 'Shock and Awe'
Getting Ready: Raspberries 2008
Here are our two rows of raspberries, each row approximately 50' long.
I've spent a couple days in our raspberries doing some spring cleanup and getting the beds and plants ready for their summer production. We have two different kinds of raspberries; one is red and the other is orange. Both are tasty, with the orange ones being sweeter. However, I do not know what kind of plants these are, so that's next on my list; determine the raspberry types.
I cut out the old, dead stocks and topped all remaining plants to remove last years dead growth. I also weeded as best I could and spread compost throughout giving them some good, rich organic food. There are no excuse now for poor performance unless Mother Nature pulls a fast one.
Remember, raspberry plants are biennial, which means that the first year they are vegetative only and don't produce fruit.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Rebels Set Pace
The Walpole High softball team heads into the second half of the season alone a top the Bay State Conference Herget Division.
With rival Norwood breathing down their neck a game back, Haley Smith made sure that the Rebels kept the division lead to themselves by tossing a two-hit shutout against Wellesley Friday in a 4-0 win that improved the Rebels to 6-1 in the BSC and 8-3 overall.
Smith struck out three and walked two in picking up the win. Stephanie Frye powered the offense with three hits, two RBI and a pair of steals for Walpole, which scored a run in the fourth, two in the fourth and one in the fifth.
Mimi Theodore had a pair of hits while contributing to a terrific day by the infield at third base, along with shortstop Michaela Cosby, second baseman Kellie Duffy and first baseman Meg Johnson.
“The infield made the plays all day,” said Walpole coach Jim Duffy. “We played a solid defensive game.”
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Hen with Chicks
Coincidental, we have this same 'Hen with Chicks' picture hanging in our kitchen, although the chickens are facing the opposite direction, see pic above. Who would have thunk? Truth be told we have a fondness for Mr. Warren Kimble's work and have other pictures of his hanging throughout the house, for example we have (6) hanging in our family room.