Saturday, February 28, 2009
Common Courtesy (Lack of)

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Cell Phone Etiquette (Lack of)

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Disney On Ice Surprise
We took Emilie to Disney One Ice on 2/15 to the afore mentioned TD Banknorth Garden, which is in the heart of Boston and had a great time! We didn't tell her where we were going other than to take a drive into the city and boy was she surprised! She was dressed in her Snow White outfit and looked adorable. Whenever the commercial would come on she'd say she wanted to go, so we took her. Her expressions alone made it all worth it.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
My "Man Rose" Bouquet
I must admit I'm not quite sure what message is being sent with the pink labeled bottle of wine. However, it does stir up some emotional memories that I thought I had overcome. You see, not too long ago I was given a bottle of ‘Fat Bastard’ wine, chardonnay I believe. I was taken back; on one hand it was a very nice gesture, but on the other I can’t help but think ‘they’ were trying to tell me something…Anyway, it’s a work in progress and I'm improving - I’m still working through the feeling and trying to keep positive. I’ve also begun working out too, go figure.
In the meantime I can’t wait to get my hands on and have a taste of that Bitch!
Amaryllis Excitement "Grows"
The support/measure stick has been marked off in 1" increments using a red marker. The black marks show the height of the bulb when first planted, as well as the foot marks.
Stay tuned for the budding results...
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Find the Critter I
The first "Find the Critter" photo is below -
Can you find the critter in the above picture?
Maken Bacon
Ah, Spring is in the air here in New England. The warm weather is starting to move in with the snow melting and the woodland creatures beginning to stir. Of course with all this activity comes those amorous feeling, a.k.a. Pepé Le Pew and just in time for Valentines Day.
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Friday, February 06, 2009
The City Slicker

Thursday, February 05, 2009
Baaaaa bye...
As you can see these two smart asses were pillaging and pilfering where they shouldn't have been. After all there was a perfectly attractive and set trap with tasty, salmonella contamination free peanut butter begging for a licking not too far away.
Well, guess who got the last laugh?! One of these dudes, I'm not sure which one and it doesn't really matter as it's only a matter of time before the other one is caught, fell to temptation and WHAM he's caught. Off he went with me to work and his new home.
This is the first grey squirrel catch of the young 2009 season and I can only imagine that there will be more (they seem to come out of the wood work), so stay tuned. Last years totals, just in case your keeping track at home, was 10 with most being relocated and a couple qualified for swim lessons. The red squirrels, if caught and we have caught several, are released here immediately - we like and prefer the red dudes and with the thinning of the grey squirrel herd (is there such a thing as a herd of squirrels? someone please get back to me on this) the reds have a much better chance at flourishing. Plus they're much more attractive and much less of a nuisance and pest.
Think Spring!
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Mr. Not-So-Nocturnal Opossum
It's was a beautiful sunny and warm day with a lot of melting taking place and as a result this short legged critter was having a tough time walking on top of the fallen snow. Almost every other step he took he'd break through onto his belly. Emilie and I watched as he navigated through the under brush as he worked his way towards the old woodpile. Once there underneath he went to what we thought was nite-nite, however, when we looked out a short time later there he was in front of the chicken pen, attempting to dig in and being a nuisance. This of course didn't sit well with the chickens, they were quite upset.
Well, we simply couldn't have that, so I sprung into action, a.k.a Steve Irwin (may he rest in peace), put on my boots, grabbed a pair of gloves and an empty trash barrel and away I went. Being that he's a opossum he had one strike against him in terms of speed or lack there of, secondly and even if he was quicker the snow was simply too soft and too deep for him to make a clean get away, so I pounced - TA DA I shouted (not really but in an effort to make this story more exciting I've added it) as I wrestled this dude into submission (hehehe). Actually, I just picked him up and plopped him in the trash barrel. Anyone for a bucket-o opossum? Them thar em good eatin varmits I recken...
On the ride to my uncles house to watch the Superbowl we took Mr. Not-so-nocturnal opossum for the ride. We relocated him far enough away that we won't ever see him again. When transferring him to the crate for transport he wrapped his tail around two of my fingers and seemed content (as content as possible under the circumstance) to just hang and dangle there.Crikey...