However, a town plow truck took out our mailbox, as you can see below! We've lived here for 10 years now and never had an issue with our mailbox. Ironically, the 'hit' didn't take place until 10AMish. At that time, the snow had all but stopped failing and the roadway was clear down to pavement. It looked like the plow driver was trying to get as close as possible to the curb and WHAM! Of course not only did he snap the post off at the curb level but also smashed the mailbox itself up pretty bad as well too. The surrounding neighbor mailboxes were spared and not damaged, just ours.
I called and left a message with the DPW, as well as sent them an email with the below picture. Let's see what they say and do. I bet they take the yeah, we're sorry approach and do nothing but we'll see.

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