Sunday, January 16, 2011

Replacement Mailbox Now in Place

Here's my second project of 2011 - our replacement mailbox. As you can see this one is movable, so when future snow storms are expected I will moved this dude away from the street to prevent future damage.

The town reimbursement amount for damaged mailboxes is $40.00. The town will not pay more than $40.00 per incident per household per year. The resident must provide a paid receipt or invoice in order to receive reimbursement. Also, the DPW will not perform any of the repairs.

It doesn't surprise me that the town takes such a stance. They'll hide behind their belief that they're doing what's in the best interest of public safety. I've found it very frustrating dealing with the town on these types of incidents, alas.

Can you tell me where someone can purchase a replacement mailbox post, mailbox, reflectors, house numbers and concrete to replace the one they damaged?! Now tell me who's going to do the repairs? Who's going to cut the blacktop sidewalk so that one has access to dig a hole deep enough to mount the new post?

1 comment:

Michelle Clay said...

Sorry your mailbox got busted. It's been a tough winter for the town. They've blown through most of the snow budget already. I've been watching them plow, and I can see how easy it is for those monstrous plows to accidentally push a snow pile just a little too far, when there is this much wet and heavy snow to deal with. The flowerbeds flanking my driveway got mangled. Oops.