I can't explain why this deer foot was lying in the road, against the sidewalk, in front of our house. I've not seen any three legged deers running around here lately. Interestingly, it looks like a clean cut wouldn't you agree? More than likely it fell or was bounced from a passing vehicle, as the roadway out front is in terrible condition with potholes galore. Prolly from the pickup of a hunter. I'm always finding stuff that has bounced off speeding vehicles, for example: hand tools (pliers, pipe wrench, crowbar), the green over sized landscape barrels (3 of them to date and their ~50 bucks a piece - no pun intended), several rubber blocks that you place behind your tire when parked so you don't roll backwards, and now this a deer foot. Weird huh?! Go figure!

Just the other day we noticed these two deers visiting the next door neighbors yard. We watched them forage for food just before dark.. Don't know how they do it but they looked in very good shape and didn't seem to be bothered by the teen temperatures or snow. Can you spot them?

See, she looks perdy don't she!?! And she has all four feet!

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