Friday, April 29, 2011

Hypercompe scribonia

The Giant Leopard or Eyed Tiger moth caterpillar.

I came across this cool looking caterpillar yesterday when out feeding the chickens. It's pretty good size a far as the caterpillars I'm used to seeing. It's similar to the "Woolly Bear" caterpillar that we're so used to seeing around here come fall. One of the main differences that I've noticed is that this dude is super shy and stays rolled up in it's tight little ball. It does come out but only after it's been left alone for a while.

The moth, from the research I've done, looks equally as cool and can have a 3" wing span. I think we'll hold onto this dude to see if he'll cooperate for us, like the Monarch caterpillars do, and let us watch the Caterpillar to cocoon to moth process.

I've already gone out and picked him some young, fresh, tender lilac leaves, so we'll see how it goes.

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