So, I was in the front yard on Friday afternoon cleaning up some of our flower beds. Redefining, widening and general cleanup in preparation for mulch, which is my next project.
We live on a somewhat busy and pothole riddled street, so there is always noise emanating from passing vehicles with booming and rattling and down-right God awful noise taking place. Sure is a good thing that the town doesn't allow you to posses roosters! They're just too noisy...
Anyway I digress, as I was saying I was feverishly working away when a new sound came from the street. This was the sound of something falling off a passing vehicle. Now, I've been the lucky recipient of various items, i.e. landscape barrels, various tools from axes to wrenches and some not so handy or usable items like deer hoofs. So, I stood up, as best I could as it takes a little longer these days, and made my way to the sidewalk to see what jewel lay waiting for me.
There lying smack dab in the center of the south bound lane and perfectly parallel to the center yellow line was a large steel or aluminum landscape shovel. The type you might find being used at a horse stable to clean out the stalls.
Well, now I get a little giddy because I don't own such a wonderful shovel but that giddiness was short lived as a little old lady, driving a dark green Saturn with hands at 10 and 2, plowed right over it! Yup, she plowed right over it, never slowed, never swerved, no effort or attempt whatsoever was made to avoid the object in the middle of her lane (she had plenty of time too, as she came along a minute or so after the shovel came to rest). The shovel was dragged several yards, which then flipped and flopped and clicked and clanged until coming to rest on the center yellow line.
I don't know what the condition of that shovel was, as the owner realized it fell of his truck and had turned around to retrieve at about the same time as it came to rest on the center yellow line. Oh well, wasn't intended for me and I'm OK with that. However, what I was left with and still find myself thinking about, hence this posting, is how oblivious this little old lady was to an object in the middle of the road and how she made NO effort to slow or avoid it. I find this very disturbing and very scary! What if it was a child, or a dog, or log, something she could have done some real damage too, not to mention damage to herself or her automobile?!
This incident was eerily similar to another incident a couple years back where an old man was driving a big black Cadillac that did the exact same thing only driving in the opposite direction and this time running over a wild turkey that had been hit just a few minutes earlier. Again, the scary thing in both these incidents is that neither person slowed and tried to avoid the object or stopped following; both drove right over the items and continued on their merry way.
I don't know about you folks but I do my best to avoid hitting or running over anything lying in the road. Unless it's a squirrel, hehehe...I'm kidding
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