What If The Mower Had Nut Allergies?!
Did a little yard work at my dad's yesterday. Actually, my son Christopher did most of the work, I was just helping him out. Anyway, while he was raking I decided to pull the riding lawn mower out of the shed to see if I could get it to start. Since I didn't disconnect the battery when I last used it in the fall, it didn't have enough oomph to start. If that was going to be the only problem I was in good shape. A jump from my auto would do the trick and sure enough it did - fired right up, yippee! However, as you can see from the picture above, looks like some varmints were setting up house under the hood. Perhaps, this is there way of letting me know they're not too pleased with me removing and trashing all of the shed "stuff", which was essentially their hiding places, playground and homes. Nothing that a couple snap traps and some peanut butter won't resolve - it's go time!
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