Okay, with a show of hands, how many of you are guilty of saying, "they're never around when you need them", referring to the police?
Well, I'm guilty of it for sure, up till today that is. A wonderful thing took place where timing couldn't have been any better! Here's my story...
I'm working from home today and decided I'd brave this God awful weather on my lunch break and run to the feed store (Agway) to pick up some much needed chicken and rabbit feed, so off I went. By the way, according to my car, the outside temperature was 103 at 11:45AM, yikes!
So, I wasn't a quarter of a mile down the road when I notice this tan sedan in my rear view barreling my way. At about the half mile point this young girl was now riding my ass and I can't express just how close she now was. At this point I had a dozen things running around in my head on how best to handle the situation. Well, of course the first thing I did was to slow down and set my cruise control at 30MPH. I fought the urge to slam on my brakes, if for nothing else then to give her a heads up that I wasn't one that she should be tailgating and to back off.
At the 2 miles mark she's still riding my ass when low and behold one of Franklin's finest rounds the corner ahead. So, I started flashing my high beams at him and proceeded to point to the car behind me as he passed. Well, don't you know I see him hit the brakes and his lights come on as he proceeds to bang a u-turn in the middle of the road. It was about at this point that the little dip-shit behind me decides she would slow down and extract herself from my ass...too late!! He roared right up behind her and pulled her over, YEAH! I pulled over too and backed all the way up to within a foot of the dip-shit and waited. The police officer walked past her to talk to me first. After I explained to him what happened he said to me, "yeah, I saw just how close she was to you, thanks", and off I went!
I can only hope that he gave her a ticket, although I bet it was only a warning. Either way the DB was in awful hurry to get somewhere but was delayed, if nothing else.
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