Ran into a slight problem last Saturday while attempting to install the final railing to our deck. Actually, it's bigger than a slight problem really and prolly falls into the BIG, show stopping category. We're talking about a FRYE project!
One of the corner posts snapped off just below the floor decking. The post, which is a 4x4, was notched on two sides to mount a side and the end of the deck on top of the notches versus using lag bolts to secure. So what they essentially did was remove 1.5" from two of the four sides. Being that the deck is 20+ years old, and even though pressure treated lumber was used, it's 20+ years old. Anyway, since the deck is 9' off the ground, I am concerned about the integrity and safety of the original three support posts.
I've been researching and consulting with family and friends on the proper way to proceed. As you might expect there are many different suggestions but none that give me the warm fuzzies.
Stay tuned, this is going to be interesting...
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