I was traveling in the middle travel lane and cruising right along listening to morning talk radio. In the slow lane, to my right, and driving much slower than I was a newer charcoal colored Toyota Corolla Sport. Not sure if this happens to you, and it has to me in the past with other vehicles, i.e. Ford F150 too, but ever since I purchased my Corolla I just notice them all over the roadways now - never did before becoming an owner, weird.
Anyway, besides being a Corolla, this particular vehicle caught my attention because a young woman's well manicured and tanned hand and arm (sporting pretty pink nail polish) was being hoisted out the open window. Oh, least I forget, and there was a cigarette butt nestled between her fingers . Well, don't you know the DB proceeds to extend her arm as far up as she could and then, flick, off goes the still burning cigarette butt. Clearly she was done with her cigarette and what better place to toss your filthy bad habit then on a super dry Rt.495 roadside, brilliant!
Oh, if looks could kill!! For those of you that know me you can prolly guess what I wished upon her...
How many of you remember the 1970's public service announcement commercial that featured a crying Indian, Keep America Beautiful? Not sure if we've made much progress since then...
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