Saturday, April 27, 2019

Winter Rye And Spring Readiness

Today was on the chilly side with morning showers, so kinda blah for a Saturday. However, a perfect day to turn the garden soil in preparation for planting vegetables come May.

As I've been doing for years now, every Fall I plant Winter Rye in my garden and raised veggie beds.  It typically gets started before the real cold weather arrives, then really pops come spring and the warmer weather, as you can see in the top picture below.

Before - 

After - All turned by hand -

Jack 2.0, our ~8 year old mini lop rabbit enjoys the fresh Winter Rye too -

As it usually does, it'll be days before I can stand fully straight again...

The Garlic Has Popped!

The garlic I planted in the fall is pleased with the warmer weather, rain and sunny days we've been having the last month!  Seem like they're doubling in size over nights.  Also, looks like every clove I planted (if I recall 62 cloves) have survived the winter and doing well!

Looking forward to tasting these bad boys!!

Mosquito Control

Emilie and I hit the local pet store to purchase our yards mosquito controllers!

10 comets for a buck, can't beat that.  Since we have two 55-gallon barrels collecting rain water, 2 bags of fish was needed.  Collecting water this was is a BIG savings, both time and money.  They're strategically places to where I can scoop out water for the plants easily.  No town water to use or hose to uncoil and recoil and mess with.  With the comets helping control the mosquito, it's a win win.

Barrel 1 -

Barrel 2 -

We've been feeding them fish food for now but soon, when the weather finally breaks, the mosquitoes will be out and looking for watery places to lay their eggs.  I'm not sure of the nutritional value of mosquito larva but I can only assume they're high, as the comets tend to grow fast and big when larva is on their menu.

First Peach Blossom of 2019

First peach tree blossom of the season!  Seemingly over night the rest of the tree popped too.

Friday, April 19, 2019

You Just Can't Keep A Hosta Down

Hosta plants are a super hardy perennial.

They're easy to divide.  They're easy to transplant.  They require almost zero care.

Case in point below - this hosta isn't going to let a new fence and new driveway pavement get in it's way.  As you can see it's fighting it's way up through some of the backtop.

The little hosta that could!

Is This Fashionista?!


How in the world can this be comfortable?!

How can anyone find this appealing?!

Why would anyone want to wear their britches like this?!

I say again, c'mon!

Unfortunate Event


We had some excitement here on Lincoln Street yesterday morning.

A deer was hit by a vehicle and killed in front of our neighbors house.

Turns out the person who stopped and called Franklin PD was not the person who hit the animal.  The person who hit the animal did NOT stop!  This woman stopped, in part, because the deer was struggling (not dead) and flailing and she wanted to help.  However, by the time FPD arrived the animal had passed.

Franklin PD sat behind the animal with his lights on waiting for Animal Control to arrive, and he sat and sat and sat, for close to 15 minutes.  Animal Control never arrived, nope.  Instead, a passerby in a small 4-door car stopped. In the end, the officer helped this passerby load the deer into the trunk of his 4-door car, where is shut the door, shook the officers hand and drove off...

She was one of four deer that have live in this area; one of the mothers.  There were two adult does that each had a single fawn last spring (2018)


Now, please don't take this the wrong way or view me in the wrong light.  As tragic as this was I see this as one less deer in my yard eating my perennials and vegetables AND AND seems she's going to be re-purposed (in some fashion) by the gentleman who stopped and carted her away.   Ironically, I had chased the deer, all four of the, off the night before when I caught them eating my tulips (right down to the ground), when I put Trixie-dog out for her bedtime piddle.

Today We Ride!

Not Clint Eastwood.
Not John Wayne.
Not a wild western.
Rather Emilie mounting up for a 30 second ride...

I'm NOT Making This Up, Honest!

Here is a a text exchange I had with my (teenage) daughter the other afternoon.  

Let me set the stage because it's important -

This was on a Tuesday afternoon; a Tuesday afternoon during school April vacation week
She went out to breakfast, well really brunch, with friends, late morning
Ran an errand to Target
Returned home and squirreled herself away in her bedroom for the rest of the day
Below text is sent to me (I'm w@h an in living room working)

The topper was when she finally came downstairs, a bit disheveled, as we were just about to start eating our dinner - the above referenced chicken...


Block Head

Here's a Downy woodpecker; the smallest woodpecker in North America by the way, taking a break and wondering where the sun went to and why so chilly again all of a sudden.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

A Little On The Well Done Side

Changed the spark plug in my snowblower.  First time ever since owning the machine.  Whadda yeah think, was it needed?!

And They Kept Coming...

for a total of 15!

15 wild turkey's ventured into our yard, spent some time under the bird feeder picking up spilled seed and then marched up the side yard, crossed the street and were gone.  The cold winter and polar vortex we had didn't seem to bother them too much.

Saturday, April 06, 2019

Oh How The Red Pops!

Boy -

Girl -

Boy girl -

Bluebird. Sialia. Thrush.

Looks who's back!

We had a pair of Bluebirds that nested in the pictured bird house last year and there seems to be quite a bit of interest again this year!  There's been a handful of Bluebirds that visited off and on throughout the winter.  With the warmer weather here now, a couple have been hanging around and are smitten with the possible nesting accommodations.

I hope they decide to stay.

Spring Tune Up Time

Last Sunday was a chilly day, so I took the opportunity to pull my lawn tractor out of winter storage and get her ready for the upcoming season.  I changed the plus, fuel filter, oil and oil filter and the air filter, pictured here.

As you can see there's quite a difference between new and one season worth of mowing.

All made a huge difference, as the mower turned right over without any troubles.

Game on, we're ready!

I See Nothing But Red...

I'm pretty happy with these pictures.

It's still drab and blah here coming out of winter, with very little color.  However, this Red-Bellied Woodpecker changes that and adds an awesome splash of red, which sticks out that much more against the colorless background.

A handsome bird for sure!

Spring Has Sprung, Hooray!

Although, slowly spring has sprung!

Snowdrops are popping up -

Crocuses too are showing their colors -