Monday, March 30, 2020

Weeping Cherry Haircut!

Pruning our large weeping Cherry tree has been on my mind now for a couple years now.  It was too tall and it was becoming harder and harder to maintain and prune in the fall.  Also, it had grown into the wires; electrical, cable and phone, running to the house from the pole, so it was time.

Once I made my mind up it was something I needed to do sooner rather than later.  To that end, and instead of waiting until after it flowered this spring, I went to work hand cutting each branch and limb.

Before -

After -

Hoping my theory, of cutting now versus later in the year, is that the spring thaw will allow the tree to push out new growth immediately after waking from it's long winters nap, instead of putting it's initial efforts into the flowers and longer limbs.

Fingers crossed that what I expect to have happen happens.

Also, no one else in the house is pleased with the haircut I've given and the fact that there won't be any flowers this year.  This is true, about the flowers, but I'm thinking long term...

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