Sunday, May 24, 2020

And We're Off...

The weather has finally broke.  It's more seasonal now and the threat of a frost has passed.  That being said I got some veggies planted; California Bell Peppers and BIG Boy Tomatoes, along with some Marigolds.

I always plant Marigolds in my vegetable gardens; along the outer edges.  They're great for attracting beneficial insects and other pollinators like ladybugs, hoverflies and parasitic min-wasps, all that prey on garden pests  They're also know to repel certain pests too.

I'll also be planting broccoli, cucumbers and some herbs once I find a farm stand that has some left.  Unfortunately, that's going to be it this year.  Was wanting to do corn again, since it was so successful last year, and some potatoes too but we're having our house painted something in June (date not set yet).  They'll be power washing the entire house and machine sanding certain bad areas.  Since our garden abuts the south side of our house, I need to leave the painting crew plenty of access and don't want them to dance around veggie plants.  Smaller crop this year is fine too.

California Bell Peppers, Broccoli and Cucumbers -

BIG Boy Tomatoes -

These two raised beds contain my garlic, OH YEAH!  I planted these in the fall last year and every clove planted has sprouted and grown!  There are somewhere in the area of 66 plants now thriving. Can't wait till it's time to dig these beauties up and start cooking with them, YUMMY!

Even the strawberries are looking terrific with oodles of blossoms -

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