Monday, August 31, 2020

It's Last Hurrah!

This is our peach tree.

The previous owners planted this tree over 20+ years ago.

We've been here 20 years now and each fall we've had oodles of peaches.  Sadly, the tree has been on the decline for many years now.  I can't recall the disease it has but it's one that is somewhat common in fruit trees but also fatal.  I've pruned back the dead branches and limbs the last several seasons and it's now down to essentially a single stock.  Even the peaches themselves seem to now have some sort of issue.  They're splotchy and most have sticky goo oozing from them, alas.  Jack 2.0, our Holland lop rabbit absolutely loves peaches and eats them completely down to the pits, which litter his cage.

The tree has also served as the host to the bird feeders we hang in the fall, with birds perched throughout as they wait their turn to eat.  Sadly, I'm planning on cutting this tree down come fall, it's time.  Also, I've been thinking about, wanting and needing a shed and if this was to happen it's location would be in this general area, so I need to plan and prep.

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