Sunday, November 22, 2020

A Walk Down Memory Lane...

Pulled and scanned some old pictures the other day.  The process, although tedious, is wonderful, as it beings back SO many memories of growing up and times gone by.  I'd be lying if a tear or two isn't shed...

Here are some pictures of my goat Nani!  She was awesome and more like a dog.

Here she is atop of Charlies Place getting a birds eye view of things.  She would love to get up there and then literally jump off the front and soar -

She wasn't bothered by the snow and loved her some plastic!  Here she is eating the plastic garbage bags that she could get a hold of -

The pictures below are of Nani at her new home.  Honestly, I don't recall why I chose to sell her, perhaps graduating.  Perhaps falling in love.  It was tough decision but set in motion a friendship that has lasted over 30+ years now. Fate?  Karma?

Here she is again enjoying a tasty plastic bread bag -

She really loved to climb on things and jump off them, often times sideways.  She became a mother at her new home too, an excellent mother too -

I miss her and I apologies to her often...

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