Monday, November 30, 2020

I Shredded It, Of Course!

I've been doing a bit of shredding the last several weeks, UGH!  We pulled down from the attic our old, real old like late 90's, bank statements, paychecks, mortgages, etc. and began the process of shredding them. I filled, and I mean filled, (3) leaf bags full of the shredding's!

What a chore, as we have a rinky-dink shredder, not made for such heavy use.  I does a great job but would shut itself off when it got too hot, which meant I had to find something else to do while it cooled down. 

In the end, and now that it's behind be, it's all good.  Very happy to have all that paperwork shredded and off to be recycled.

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