Saturday, August 28, 2021

Our Tax Dollars Hard At Work II!

Here is another example of how our Franklin tax dollars are being spent on shoddy workmanship.

The town is getting our schools ready for opening day.  There's been a bustle of activity at the elementary\middle school just down the street, bot inside and out - weeding, edging, mulching, pruning, mowing, etc., right down to fresh white paint in the parking lots.

As you've seen in previous postings, and in my opinion, the town of Franklin Ground division does a poor job in general. I could go on with example after example but why, clearly by the workmanship shown, the folks who run the town certainly are not bothered by any it.

Here is a good example below.  WHY, would you have the parking lot repainted without first properly prepping?  WHY, if you worked for the painting company, would you let your team paint over weeds?  WHY was there no one checking the work being done, especially the town and before paying for shoddy services rendered?!

Also, as you can see in a couple pictures, the parking lots actually should have the numerous cracks sealed BEFORE painting the lines and BEFORE the winter hits making a bigger issue when it freezes and thaws, freezes and thaws...

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