Friday, August 27, 2021

Toad - Anaxyrus americanus

Here are a couple pics of  American Toads.

The first one I named Henri after the recent hurricane scare.  I caught him on the eve of the storm as I was rushing to get the lawn mowed.  He got to spend some time and have quite the photo shoot with Emilie before being released in the pool area.  Hoping he continues to keep the slugs and ants in check.

This little fella I named Splat.  I spied him on my walk the other morning, contently sitting in the road.  I firmly believe had I not happened by and spotted him, he would have fallen victim to some vehicle.  A couple quick pics and I moved him safely away from the road.

I would have brought him home but was too far from home and didn't think he'd appreciate being carried for a half hour in a sticky and sweaty palm.

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