Saturday, November 27, 2021

Leaning Poplar Tree Of Ye Olde Homestead

A couple weeks ago we had a rain storm come through the area with super high winds.  Following that storm I noticed the neighbors Poplar tree, which is just over the property line, and had been 100% vertical is now leaning almost at a 45 degree angle.

I'm thankful that it's leaning in that direction versus over the chicken coop.  I suspect this dude will come down at some point during the winter, perhaps following a heavy wet snow fall.  Of course I would prefer it NOT fall on my property but it'll prolly get hung up in the neighboring Boxelder tree, which in essence will force it to fall my way.  Shouldn't hurt anything falling in that directions it's leaning and it sure would be nice that when it does come down it takes a bunch of the Boxelder tree limbs with it!

Stay tuned...

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