Friday, November 11, 2022

Stupid Is As Stupid Does...

On my walk this afternoon (11/4) I noticed a car off in the distance pulled over against the sideway just sitting there with it's directional on and in the way of other passing cars. It was in an odd spot where it was parked I thought but whatever, people are weird.  The car had pulled away by the time I got to that spot and didn't notice anything unusual.  However, about a half mile down the road the car was pulled over again, this time on the opposite side of the street and facing the wrong direction but at least this time it was off the road.

As I was approaching, I noticed an older man, a senior, walking along the road but in the brush between the road and the woods.  Weird I thought but again, people are weird!  I realized as I walked past he was actually looking for bottles and cans; returnables.  He even had a special stick he was using to pull cans out of the underbrush, that had a screw or nail on the end of it, to insert into the can or bottle to make for easier pickup - wicked smaht!

Great I thought, at least he's picking up trash. I'm getting tired of doing it myself when I walk but when I do it, it all goes straight into the trash can, I'm not sorting trash looking for recyclables or looking to save cans.

What really struck me as ironic here was this old dude walking along the roadway to collect cans and bottles at .05 cents each, and he had a plastic bag full maybe 10-12 cans, and as I passed his car with Rhode Island plates mind you, it was running!  

At $3.80 or so for gas, wondering if it's really worth it for him.  Perhaps, it is otherwise he wouldn't be doing it, so good for him.

But as Jeff Foxworthy would say, "Here's Your Sign"!!!

Actual photo evidence...

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