Saturday, February 15, 2025

Do The Work

Estrogen BAD!

I came across the below warning on social media the other day, which is very troubling to me, as I've been a Keurig owner and user for many, many years now!  I've come to reply on it and use it, at least, once every morning!

This could very well explain the weird changes and sensations I've been experiencing of late - my bloating and puffiness, the desire to sit when I pee, as well as my over the top anxiety and over sensitivity!

Thinking I may need to consider moving back to the good old drip coffee maker or, perhaps, give up coffee all together.

I'm at a cross road here.  What to do 😵?

Think I'll brew up a cup of java and contemplate...

Friday, February 14, 2025

A Milestone!

I received the below American Red Cross email earlier this week congratulating me on my 73 lifetime donations, totaling 9-gallons!  Which is also equal to 36-quarts or 144-cups or 1,152 ounces!

Quite the accomplishment, if I can toot my own horn.

However, there's a bit of discrepancy here.  The American Red Cross Blood Donor app on my iPhone, is and has been showing me as being in the 6-gallon milestone and NOT the 9-gallon referenced in the email below, HMMM -

You can see in the screen shot below from the app, it clearly shows I've not yet made it to the "7 Gallon Donor" milestone.  Come to think of it, the app seems to have had me at this level for quite some time now, weird, otherwise all other information seems to be up to date -

I replied to the congratulations emails and explained all this and asked for their help in determining my actual milestone (the letter should be accurate) and how to fix the app.

Stay tuned...


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

"Potato, Potahto"

Not sure where I've been but apparently Cracker Jill is a thing.

Seems this was introduced back in early 2022.  HUH, who knew...

Apparently, inside the bag, both Cracker Jack and Cracker Jill are the same delicious snack!

Guessing the name change or introduction of Cracker Jill was geared towards inclusivity and racial equality, which is similar in nature to the renaming of Aunt Jemima (Pearl Milling Company) and Uncle Ben's (Ben's Original) to name a few.

Honestly, I've NOT eaten or purchased Pearl Milling Company and Ben's original since their name change and have NO intention to ever do so.  There are too many other options to chose from, instead of supporting this silliness. I grew up eating both of these and viewed them a more comfort foods, NEVER ever did I see them being or promoting racism.

To all the wacky left leaning libtards and racial bigots who assume the worst and hellbent on keeping that divide, I say shame on you!

Just Wanted To Share

The Draft King ads are exhausting and too much!  They inundate and take over my Internet, local television and my streaming services, UGH ENOUGH, STOP!

Draft Kings, Kevin Hart, Jim Mora and especially LeBron James can all go pound sand!  I hope they each get violent diarrhea and 💩 their pants!

Sunday, February 09, 2025

Dads Don't Die

 Hard to believe it's been seven years since you left us.

I miss you and think of you every day.

Yes, your number is still in my phone, listed first -

Although, I talk to you everyday, sure wish I could give you a call to hear your voice, get your advice and guidance.


Saturday, February 08, 2025

Trying To Give Grief A Shape

Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.

-Jamie Anderson

I now realize that to lose someone we have lost (and not just in death) does not erase the love we have felt for them. It simply moves the object of our love out of reach. Grief is the space left behind, and it is the act of loving someone who is gone.

Getting Back On "Track"...

Another home repair project completed!

This one has been a problem for years, which I should have addressed long before now.  It's been a pain in the rump with the doors not closing properly and often popping open.

The washer and dryer closet track system for my bi-fold doors has been damaged to the point that it could no longer be adjusted properly.  This would cause the hardware to come loose at times, doors not hang vertical and flop open.

Well, no more!  I bought all new track and hardware and in less than an hour replaced it all AND what a difference!

Before - old rusted, base door bracket -

After - shinny new hardware -

New top track and door rollers AND you can see the perfect vertical spacing of the two abutting doors, which now stay closed without needing to lean on each other -

MMHGA - Make My House Great Again!


Friday, February 07, 2025

Thursday, February 06, 2025

Cookies Cookies Cookies Cookies

I made my first Power Red blood donation of 2025 this afternoon!

Despite the snow, freezing rain and dropping temperatures, I braved the elements and made my way over to the Franklin Elks for my 2:00PM appointment.

I've been donating at the Franklin Elks for years now and have come to know the regular phlebologists that work there.  One in particular, Morlinda, surprised me today with a bag of her fresh homemade chocolate cookies!  It's an ongoing joke of ours and to my surprise she knew I was donating today and made me cookies!

I wolfed 3 down while hooked up to the apheresis machine! MMM so good!

I've already booked my next donation appointment, May 29, at the same Franklin Elks.

I dropped a couple hint with Morlinda that I'm a BIG fan of snickerdoodle cookies, so fingers crossed...

Not A Bird Or A Plane. Rather, A Plastic Bag...

You can't make this stuff up...

There was a cable TV wire that had come loose, perhaps from all the high winds we've been having of late, and it was dangling some ~7 feet above and across the neighbors driveway.

I noticed it one day last week when I was heading out on my walk. Upon my return, and being a good and thoughtful neighbor, I thought it best if I flagged the cable so it could be seen more easily.  I grabbed a white plastic bag and tied it to the lowest point in the sagging cable.

Fast forward to the other evening and the cable company dispatched a crew and fixed the issue!

Yes, they fixed the sagging cable but sadly, and yet another example of the poor workmanship, lack of professionalism and today's 'who gives a shit' work ethics and attitudes, the crew left the white bag tied to the cable!  All they did was pull the cable taut, shored it up and moved along.  Nothing more, nothing less.

So, now this unsightly bag, that now sticks out like a sore thumb, will be on display for years and years to come.

Sure would be refreshing to see folks start taking more pride in their job and workmanship.  After all, their shoddy work is a direct reflection on them!

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Smooth As A Babies Bottom

Last weekend I finished touching up the paint in the master bathroom.  In anticipation of opening the paint can and dirtying the brush, I thought I'd kill two birds and tackle the below pine shelf unit as well before placing back in the bathroom.

It needed a good, deep sanding and to have the drab yellow color removed.


Before - and after I sanded -

After - with a new coat (two coats actually) of paint to match the master bathroom color -

It looks SO much better!

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Find The Critter

Can you find the critter in the below picture -

There under the table lies Ms. Trixie sound asleep.

I usually move her bed onto the bottom rack of that end table when I can vacuum.  The other day after cleaning and vacuuming I forgot to move her bed back onto the floor in front of the table.

I got confused when I couldn't find her but God love her, she wasn't bothered at where her bed was and happily climbed on in and fell fast asleep.

She is without a doubt a Frye with her oddities...


People Suck - The Air Travel People

When are the airlines going to improve some of their processes and policies, e.g. boarding, carry-on baggage and overhead bin storage to name a few.

There's much room for improvements, long overdue improvements, for these items!

The boarding process is chaos since we're talking about dealing with people. Most people are only concerned about themselves; they're selfish, inconsiderate, they lack awareness and in general clueless, just big dickheads!  People crowding the gate waiting for their boarding group to be called and blocking access for those folks who've been called to board, STAND BACK!  Perhaps, the gate attendants can monitor this better and make announcements as needed to remind people to wait their turn and GET OUT OF THE WAY of those called to board, UGH!

When it comes to carry-on bags the gate attendants MUST do a better job of policing!

People push the limit of what they're allowed to bring onboard with them and seem to never get challenged.  See the pic below for an example - this douche had three items, NOT the allowed two, as did his travel companion! 

FYI - on my recent trip to Miami I flew on JetBlue and here is their carry-on bag policy, as stated on their website -

"Each customer is allowed ONE carry-on bag and ONE personal item (purse, small backpack, briefcase, laptop, etc.). Carry-on bags may be stowed in the overhead bin or underneath the seat in front of you, while personal items must be placed beneath the seat in front of you. Closets for hanging garment bags are not available on our planes."

I'd like to see seats come with their associated overhead bin spot also assigned to them!  If I'm sitting in seat 3D, the overhead bin ABOVE my seat should be reserved for MY bag!  I shouldn't need to worry whether I'll have storage space for my bag by the time I board or if the only available space left for my bag is rows and rows behind me.  All too often I see people stowing MORE than their one bag overhead and\or people sitting at the rear of the plan grabbing an overhead bin at the front of the plane as they board.

This guy had THREE bags AND his companion also had THREE! Louis Vuitton, well pardon me...pretentious pricks.

I get anxious when I fly but not from a fear of flying perspective but rather for having to deal with the issues above AND by being in such close proximity to people - PEOPLE SUCK!

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Another Tool In The Ole Toolbox

Well, here is the new tool of mine gifted to me by my germaphobe brother to aide in oral hygiene.

Without reading below and by looking at the pic, do you know what this tool is?  The hint is above -

I thought I was doing just fine with simply brushing my tongue as a part of my teeth brushing process. However, it was told to me that a tongue scrapper does a much better job.

So, that being said, I mulled it over and gave it a try this morning. 

My fear of gagging was not an issue. Several passes with this tool and YUCK! It removed more than I expected or thought was there after my tongue brushing!  Seems this might be a beneficial tool to use here and there to augment brushing.

The Google machine provided the following benefits to tongue scrapping -

"Regular tongue scraping may help reduce the buildup of bacteria and fungi that can lead to oral infections like gingivitis and thrush. Enhanced taste. A clean tongue might improve your sense of taste, allowing you to better appreciate the flavors of foods and drinks. Improved oral hygiene."

Lets see if my taste senses are enhanced with my next meal, stay tuned...