Here they are, at the end of our neighbors driveway, on their second attempt, which was as far as they'd get before turning and running back into the woods -

We can only guess that plan B was to circle through our back yard, just behind the chicken pen, and work their way parallel to the street to cross further up. Perhaps, they decided to head to the ball field and the thick woods that surround it, which is on the same side of the road as our house -

Interestingly, a couple days earlier there were at least seven deers in the neighbors back yard. However, they were difficult to count since they didn't come out of the woods and were all moving about, so there could have been a couple more. I'm guessing these two somehow got separated from the others. Either way I'm hoping ALL of these dudes move on and stay away once Sping arrives and the flowers, scrubs and veggies start a popping!
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