Yup, I did a wee little bit of gardening this afternoon. I didn't let the just above freezing, supper windy, snow covered ground stop me, no sir! However, it didn't take too long before I was winded simply trudging through the deep snow to get to the gardens - clearly I'm a tad out of shape. Hmm, think I'll have a frosty Coor's Lite while I contemplate the possibility of doing some exercise. Or, I'll just up the dosage of my blood pressure medicine. Beer ME!
I turned and mixed (above what the hens do on a daily basis) the bedding/chicken droppings/rabbit droppings and the filled a 5-gallon bucket (7) times with the wonderful, rich garden feed. Then trudging through the crusty, deep snow I spread it on top of the snow that's covering our vegetable gardens/beds. So, some of the compost will melt into the soil as the snow melts and what remains will be tilled in when the soil allows come Spring.
See, I'm already thinking Spring! I said beer ME!
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